Release Notes ****************************************************************************************** .. contents:: 0.57.0 (July 18, 2014) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Display images and untrusted HTML across SSH boundary - Full screen and separate web origin for untrusted HTML - gipynb command to open IPython Notebook window inline - Disable terminal colors using pref - Bypass JSON protocol for transmitting large files 0.56.2 (July 8, 2014) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - More fixes 0.56.1 (July 3, 2014) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Toolchain now works both Python2 and Python3; many fixes 0.55.0 (June 26, 2014) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Progressively fillable notebooks for scaffolding - MathJax implemented for TeX formulas - ``gncplot`` for 2-D visualization of netCDF data - Login authentication type implemented - Tooltips for forms - Leaflet zoomable demo 0.54.3 (May 8, 2014) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Major docs update - Image display from unauthenticated (cookie-less) terminals - Introduced shortcut commands: ``gpython`` and ``gipython`` - Cleaned up inline plotting - Cleaned up gterm_setup 0.53.0 (May 5, 2014) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Improved remote machine access - Implemented gdownload - Added colors to terminal - Enabled multiuser mode with existing users (user_setup=manual) - Renames --auto_users to --user_setup=auto - Renamed auth_type=local to auth_type=singleuser 0.52.0 (April 28, 2014) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixes for user permissions; indentation handling in notebook cells; autosave; killing terminals 0.51.1 (April 22, 2014) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Bug fix release 0.51.0 (April 21, 2014) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Added support for Google Authentication - Added support for dark theme and saving prefs - Improved terminal resizing 0.50.1 (April 17, 2014) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix to better handle blank lines in notebook code cells 0.50.0 (April 15, 2014) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Cosmetic changes (notebook CSS margins, font size) 0.49.0 (April 14, 2014) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Full implementation of ``multiuser`` authentication type to create virtual computer lab, with automatic creation of new users - Implemented ``gadmin`` command to monitor and administer multiple users - Implemented user groups for collaboration - Implemented notebook cell modification tracking - Improved chat capability, with terminal alert option - Implemented ``gnbserver`` command to run public IPython notebook servers on a per-user basis - Implemented notebook autosave - Implemented ``gls --download`` option - Tested ``https`` options with self-signed certificate - Improved support for iOS and Android touch devices (tablets and phones) - Introduced ``command`` menu for useful actions - Improved browser support (especially Windows browsers) - Cleaned up authentication types - Improved ``gterm`` command to launch terminals - Fixed cross-domain embedding - Fixed wildcard access to ``osh`` terminals - Improved EC2 instance launching - Improved logging 0.40.2 (February 3, 2014) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Updated EC2 launching 0.40.1 (June 26, 2013) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix for XSS vulnerability (Issue#5) - Added for reveal.js demo 0.40.0 (June 25, 2013) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Implemented config file to specify default options for gtermserver - ``auth_type=user`` changed to ``auth_type=multiuser`` 0.39.0 (June 21, 2013) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Support for auto user creation - Support for inline HTML display for pandas.DataFrame objects - Support for server and user authentication via the gterm command - Added ``ystock`` command - Renamed ``auth_code`` option to ``auth_type`` - Renamed ```` to ```` 0.38.1 (June 3, 2013) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix for symlinks being ignored in the egg file 0.38.0 (June 2, 2013) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Follow-up release to 0.37.0 - Mostly bug fixes; menu and documentation updates 0.37.0 (May 29, 2013) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Follow-up release to 0.36.0 - Mostly bug fixes and cleanup of notebook mode - *gload* to load new terminal in current window 0.36.0 (May 26, 2013) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Follow-up release to 0.35.0 - Many fixes to notebook mode - Now notebooks/graphics work with R - Introduced ** to demo/test multiple terminals simultaneously - Introduced *gsh* to execute commands remotely on any accessible terminal - Renamed environment variables GRAPHTERM_* to GTERM_* 0.35.0 (May 20, 2013) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - New generic notebook mode with code/markdown cell and paging/slide options, interoperable with IPython notebook - New menu bar that can float or be anchored; with Ctrl-J for keyboard shortcuts - Improved access control options for session sharing - Scrollable pagelets to work with session sharing - Improved platform compatibility (Android, IE10) - Locale export hack to work across SSH logins - Form authentication to disallow CSRF - Further streamlined copy/paste to work seamlessly on Chrome/Firefix on Mac/Linux - New logo and fancier splash screen - **Toolchain updates:** - Introduced *d3cloud* command for inline word clouds using *d3.js* - Renamed *giframe* command to *gframe*, with expanded capabilities for creating split frames and embedded terminals. - Updated *gls* from bash to Python for opening notebooks etc. - Introduced *gjs* to execute Javscript in client browser - Introduced *gmenu* for command-line access to the new menu bar - Introduced *gprofile* for appending to the user's ``.bash_profile`` - Introduced ** for the monkey-patched ``pylab`` mode - Introduced *gqrcode* for inline display of QR codes - Introduced *greveal* command for inline presentations of Markdown files using *reveal.js* - Example script *gshow.ncl* for inline graphics with NCL - Example script ** for inline graphics with IDL - Updated ** for scrollable pagelets and stderr output option - Introduced *gupload* for drag-and-drop file upload 0.34.0 (Jan. 6, 2013) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Added *gtutor* command, command line version of the - Added **, inline SVG demo - Added ** demo program - Streamlined copy/paste - Bug fixes: UTF-8 paste handling (for Japanese etc.) - Moved documentation from Google sites ( to Github Pages ( 0.33.0 (Sep. 30, 2012) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Added references to GraphTerm mailing list/Twitter account - Added Troubleshooting FAQ - Added sample slideshows using ``glandslide`` - Implemented ``glandslide``, GraphTerm-aware version of ``landslide`` slideshow presenter. - Factored out ace/ckeditor, to be loaded on demand. This significantly speeds up initial load, and allows any editor to be easily embedded using the editor API. Also implemented presenter API using inter-frame communication. - Implemented ``/osh/web/user`` JS console for GraphTerm - ``gvi`` can explicitly choose between ace/ckeditor (for WYSIWYG HTML editing) - Improved ``gls`` column handling - Implemented ``gscript`` for saving/running scripted commands - Added ``ec2launch`` option to copy and install source tarball 0.32.0 (Sep. 15, 2012) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Now works on Raspberry Pi out-of-the-box! - Added CKEditor (doubled size of package) - Much improved iPad experience (bottom menu on by default; CKEditor for ``gvi`` editing; **bold** theme) - Updated screenshots - Revamped ``ec2launch`` and ``ec2list`` for EC2 cluster management - Clicking on image in ``gls`` output now displays image inline - Popup help display for forms - ``--key_secret`` option for HMAC digest server-host authentication 0.31.0 (Sep. 9, 2012) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Updated screenshots and documentation - Replaced broken ``gweather`` with ``yweather`` (for inline forecasts) - Better popups/alerts - Added ``Control A-E-K`` to Bottom menu - Improved Unicode output - Version checks for API - Improved ``ec2launch`` to autostart ``gtermserver`` and install *PyLab* 0.30.9 (Aug 26, 2012): --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Updated documentation - Syntax for ``gtermhost`` command has changed slightly - *Action->Export* Environment to use GraphTerm across SSH logins - ```` to demo inline plotting using matplotlib - Wildcard session names for multiplexed stdin and stdout (oshell-only) - ``gotrace`` command to use *otrace* with any python program (including those reading from stdin) - Clear terminal option - ``giframe`` command to display files, URLs and HTML from stdin - Transient blob storage for images and inline *matplotlib* output - Capture interactive feedback using ``GRAPHTERM_SOCKET`` - Modified command recall handling - Fixed invisible widget overlay bug 0.30.8 (Aug 15, 2012): --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First public release + many quick fixes